I like life. Bit weird thing to say, but I really do. Its full of little surprises, little twists and turns, and even if life isn't treating you well, one day when you're happy again, it makes for a good story. And I've always tried to look at the more important things, like love and friendship and family and just fucking living. Just grabbing life by the balls and saying "fuck it", because those are the moments you end up remembering.
So it really grinds my gears when the people around me just act like life isn't that important. Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a rant. It may turn into one, but I'm in a good mood writing this. And it seriously gets to me when you hear someone saying little things to make life seem pointless. My old flatmate constantly said "fuck my life", even in situations not that bad, which put a negative spin on everything. And nothing against her or anything, but she's definitely not the first person I think of when remembering happy people...
Another example, birthday celebrations. I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I'm overly excited by something quite lame. I had an awesome time trying to give my friend a great birthday party. And from what I've heard, everyone seemed to have a good time. But then there's the people that didn't come. Now I spent money sorting out that party, I made a bright blue cake, I bought a crap lot of alcohol and I greened my entire self (and most other people at the party) up. So when someone I've invited says no, I'm a bit annoyed that I've gone to all this effort, not even for my own birthday, and some people can't even be bothered to walk down the road. But the thing that upset me more is that its our friends birthday, and he was so excited at the idea of a house party that I felt I was letting him down because my friends, supposedly his friends, didn't show. So so uncool.
So my question is: what the hell was so bad you couldn't party?? Partying, be it a different definition from each person, is the celebration of something, enjoying a moment and having fun. Why don't people want to have fun? Why are some people so wrapped up in their own self-pitying negative, monotonous and frankly dull lives that they don't want to party? If anything, a party is exactly what they need to get their frowning behind into the spirit of things, forgetting your troubles and just letting loose for once. I admit, sometimes partying is not the answer, but life is too short to be shit. If your feeling down - get back up! If you're stuck in a rut, fucking jump the hell out of the their. If you realize that you have no idea why your with your boyfriend, break up. And if you then realize you just want to spend all your time with someone else just bloody do it. Screw what people say and think, because life is worth living to the full. I've never done well with grades, I tend to spack out at the last minute and fuck things up a bit; I'm not the greatest secret-keeper, as I tend to forget if someone has told me not to tell people; I'm pretty immature, I'm very self-absorbed and frankly I'm a bit of a twat. But at least I can dance until I got blisters on my toes and still call it a freaking good night.
So to conclude: p - a - r - t - why?? Cos I gotta!
Also, if your gonna bail on a night out, don't be mean to people about it. Its just uncool. And you may get a slap for it.