Sunday, 1 May 2011

Black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?

You know those funny two-image things - like duck or rabbit, in HIMYM - I always find them funny. Does it really define you in some way to see one thing first?

This blog is pure procrastination. I've checked facebook more times than I care to recall, I've started learning things on Sporcle which ordinary people would never do (all 74 Uk prime ministers, AND all previous kings and queens since 1066), and the next thing to do is play the Sims. I know that this will eat away my day, so I thought blogging was the better option.

Only one thing to say really, in relation to this work that I am avoiding. Teachers can never know, once a piece of work has been handed in, exactly how long it took someone. I have spent most of my life with good intentions to begin with, but then fail to meet my own demands. And last year, this time, I told myself 'over the summer, write the whole first draft'. That didn't happen, and still hasn't. I've got 20 pages left to go, but they seem to be the hardest. And annoyingly, my brain is actually coming up with annoying things, like "hey, its 70 pages minimum, you've done 100, CALM DOWN' - this is no time to be calm. It's also saying things like 'what if you really NEED to know all 74 PMs before Friday?' and 'hang on, how many states does Canada have? Maybe google it...' - MY HEAD IS INSANE. I have also refrained thus far from watching Smallville. I don't think it'll last much longer though!

And again, digression aside, back to my point. Which is better, in terms of moral goodness: to have good intentions when first given the assignment, doing small bits, but finding you've got a week left and those small bits really aren't enough; or ignoring an assignment until the week/day before, and just rushing it, panicking, staying up all night and feeling like death come may 6th?

Like I said, teachers never know exactly how much time you've spent on it, but I'm sure that they can hazard a guess at '15 hours, yesterday' for some scripts.