Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Today is a brilliant day. Today we eat pancakes and prepare our cupboards for the coming months with chocolate, hot-cross-buns, and other such Easter-related treats. Apparently, the Christians like to starve themselves for 40 days. But I'm not Christian, so screw that.

I have tried lent before. I did a very good effort at an alcohol-free 40 days... I think a total of two pints slipped under the radar. But this year, I will do it. I will last 40 days. I will complete this mission if it is the last thing I do... in Brighton. But I will, dammit. I am determined.

I want to give up a lot, and take on a lot too, so I'm going to easy myself off and on to these things - starting with the ever-popular chocolate and snacking. I'm terrible at it, and recently my gums have been really sore, and I know it's because of the excessive amount of sugar I intake. So my first 5 days will be purely focused on not snacking, and trying to gym more. I've gotten worse, so I need to push myself into it again.

Stay tuned for what I give up and take on next....