I had a really strange dream about my ex-ex boyfriend. And now I have this weird feeling in my chest. And its really bizarre, because I've been thinking about what might happen if/when I see him, but now, for absolutely no definite reason, I have become resolute about being the one to initiate something. And I have no idea why. And this could all be an utter waste of my time and thoughts, because he probably hates me and wants to avoid me forever. But for some reason, I feel compelled to listen to my crazy dreams/feelings. Its all I have at the moment; my day to day life has no real emotion, no depth, no importance or impact, I just serve people food, clean up various messes and go home to my little cave of music films happiness and exercise. And then I crawl out of my cave after some (usually not enough) sleep and provide food for varying customers again.
I also feel horribly guilty that it was my asking a guy at work to do a shift for my parents, which caused the boss to get angry, so I told said guy that boss was angry, so said guy went to work a few days later and quit, all because of me ? He was leaving anyway, but still... I feel guilty.
Oh yeah, and I would like to remind everyone to check their breasts / testicles regularly for lumps, and it is suggested that every new partner you 'get nakey' with, you have a check up. You never know what your gonna catch from these youngun's these days. Remember, don't be a fool - wrap your tool!
(Please don't all think I'm now some disease-riddled whore. I had my pill check-up the other day, having decided I'm staying on it, and the nurse's walls were covered in morbid posters about cancer, chlamydia and children. The dreaded three Cs!)
On that note, I'm gone for the day, so stay safe and keep smiling!