Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Snapshots of this World
"I wanna stand with you on a mountain, I wanna bathe with you in the sea, I wanna lay like this forever, until the sky falls down on me"
I am not Buddhist, nor particularly religious, but seeing this reminds me of my friends, my loved ones, and the amazing things they have taught me, about how to stay strong, love life and just follow my heart and listen to my soul.
Like looking down from the stairway to heaven. The clouds in this picture make me think of The Voyage of the Dawn Treador, when Reepicheep gets in his little boat and sails over to Aslan country to die. Its a beautiful image, and he is so full of respect, dignity, and believes that he is headed some place good. Narnia tries to teach us not to be scared of death, but to embrace the eventualities and live a life worth living.
Caves. Mumford and Sons comes to mind, "come out of your cave walking on your hands, and see the world hanging upside down". I love the dark, mysteriousness of caves and their underground, hidden views and secretive nature. Reminds you how beautiful this earth is, and how the natural phenomenon can be so grand, so massive, so stunning, that nothing humans can ever do can compete with the power of nature.
Peace and tranquility. Finding your 'inner calm'. Taking a walk around your village and finding some beautiful flowers hidden beneath some nettles and thistles. The hardest thing to decide it what to do with those flowers. Do you pick them, put them in a vase, so you enjoy their beauty until they wilt, or walk away, but leave the area clearer, so more and more people can see the beauty that you have seen, time and time again.
I'd love to go to India during Divali. I'd love to feel part of a moment like this. Light is one of the most powerful things we have on this earth, and we embrace it's potential and beauty every day without even noticing. I'd love to celebrate light.