Today I feel invincible. Tomorrow is so close, and I am so excited about starting this new chapter in the story of me, my life, and slowly writing the rest of the book at the same time. I get the feeling that this chapter is an important one. And its one year: one tiny year that will fly by and I don't want it to, I want to grab it and keep a hold of it and just enjoy every single second of it.
So today I can't be harmed in any way; no words can cut me down, no bruises will shine, no monsters will make me scream; I am confident in myself for one thing only and it makes me feel like I'm glowing. I can do this. I can be this person, and achieve exactly what I want to, and come hell or high water I will be my best this year.
Certain things fit into place in my head today.
The word 'perfect' should never have been invented, for there is no such thing as 'perfection'; only our own view, our own belief of what perfection is. And with that we can be perfect, but whilst the word has 7 billion definitions, we can only be perfect to ourselves. Trying to be more than that is a fruitless task.
And dreams are like emotions within us; no matter who else dreams the way that you dream, or who else knows what you dream, it does not mean it is not your dream. Your dream is your own to have, to hold on to, to long for and to become. It is more than lust or love, more than a friendship, more than a glimmer of hope, more than a desire: it is inside you, growing, and the more you acknowledge it, the more that you want and hope and pray for it, the stronger it becomes. You just have to know that. Trust in yourself, and in who are you, and in what you can do. We are all amazing, and we can achieve whatever we want to; you just have to find your grasp of dreams and never let go. Have faith. Know that you can be the best; perfect to yourself, and you can achieve your dreams, and more. Its all about knowledge.