Thursday, 23 May 2013

Up In The Air

I can feel something in the air. A ripple of the oncoming wave has hit my body, and there is an energy and an excitement to it, but I have no idea what it is. I'm just smiling at the knowledge that something is coming, something with a positive energy, and it's already making me smile. I'm preparing for anything; expecting the unexpected. Something is coming to turn my life around a bit, and my arms are stretched out so big and wide, embracing the change.

All day I've heard people complaining about the weather, but I know that eventually it will be warm again, so there's no need to worry or moan. Just put your hood up and get on with life, because complaining doesn't change anything. I'm not quite 'dancing in the rain', as it's more like 'getting on with work, despite the weather', but it's still progress.

I miss Maria today. I do most days anyway, but today many things have reminded me of her. The winds of change, for one thing, and the fact that my counsellor has told me the exact same thing Maria told me years ago - no matter what it is, follow your gut feeling. I've had lots of gut feelings recently, I'm just hoping that I have the patience to follow through with them.

I'm also watching The New Normal and loving it.

And I'm organising my life in brilliant ways, makes me excited to do mundane tasks again. Yay for being OCD!