This afternoon I'm sorting more of my life out. I'm organising my 'study area' which until now has just been piles of papers, magazines, ideas and things dumped unceremoniously in an incarnation of 'work pending'. As this week I have been working the creative juices around my body for the first time in months, I feel in the mood for getting stuff done. I'm thinking about projects, about my dissertation, about how to relieve some of this pent-up emotion, and actually being a person, not just a robot who goes to work and worries about paying the bills.
I also finished Assassin's Creed 2 (again) the other day, so I can put the x-box controller down for a little while. Give my eyes a break. Turn back to the good old TV, and try get through the unending list I've made for myself.
I want to set myself targets, I want to push myself, I want to feel like I'm achieving stuff.
This week I made a trailer for my friend Gemma's play. She's the most useful person I met doing my masters, and I really hope that she's available when my dissertation comes knocking.