Sunday, 23 February 2014


I've just starting watching a teen 'dramady' called Awkward. It's pretty light, pretty funny, and pre escapism from my life right now. I can't describe the things in my head, the things I'm trying to ignore, and the things that whirl through my dreams each night. I know that there is no quick fix or good solution, there's only patience and hope. So right now, when both are wearing thin and my dreams are more and more baffling by the day, I must just escape the day somehow and give my brain something simple and distracting to munch on.

I'm very confused about my feelings for people at the moment. Like, not all people, but lots of different people. My flat mates, my best friends, people I used to fancy, all the emotions I had sorted into categories are now being diluted, swapped and boiled down to nothingness. Things are simplified when I have a relatable source - and right now, I just think of the savage garden lyric "love and other moments are just chemical reactions in your brain - and feelings of aggression are the absence of the love drug in your vein." Go listen to Gunning Down Romance. When angry, put it on in your car, full volume, and sing so loudly your own ears hurt. It's a great way to release bitterness and anger.