Saturday, 3 May 2014

True Love

I've started watching Dawson's Creek again. Season 3, I started with. Mainly because I couldn't remember the end of season 2 and now, I can't stop. It's when Pacey falls for Joey and by the end of the season she's fallen for him too. The story pans out so well and I want to capture every moment of it.

This is the result of having no life of my own, very little in the way of a social life, and absolutely no hope of being in a relationship for the next 8 months. Life is full-speed and my heart is getting left behind.

But in the back of my mind, I'm quoting Maria - This To Shall Pass. Also the idea of 'what dreams may come' - not in the literal sense of the soliloquy (this is not to be misinterpreted as a suicide note. Can't deal with that again) - but in the sense that of all the dreams and ambitions we have, which ones will manifest, which ones will be lost, and which ones are more reachable than we realise?

It's all about hope, patience, and trust in the universe.

That's how Pacey got Joey. That, a big white wall, and a boat.