Saturday, 16 August 2014

Even If It Kills Me

Starting something new this week. Would have started it today, but been bed-bound due to a hangover that feels more like impending death.

No more drinking. An occasional glass of wine is okay, but no more ridiculous drinking and no more hangovers. I feel so old and useless and its such a waste of a day being hungover.

Food changes - no more wheat (barely eat any, but just to say 'so long sucker'), very little diary, and much more fruit & vegetables. Like, replacing cereal with watermelon, replacing toast with sweet potato, cooking smaller amounts of things like rice and noodles (rice noodles) and not having the main thing on the plate as meat or fish, so its cheaper, and food goes further. Its both my purse and my colon I'm thinking of here.

Speaking of colons, I've heard of this thing called Salt Water Flush. I'm going to buy some posh salt and try it out, as its recommended for people who have IBS. (Also for people who have very irregular poops, colon troubles, constipation, gas etc, if you tick any boxes like that, look it up!) Shall report how it goes (not graphically, don't worry - I've heard it can be pretty crazy).

Water. I never drink enough at work. No more coffee, very little tea (only the fruity good ones) - just lots and lots of water. Ruby Rose, my new favourite famous person (google her she's REALLY cool) says her secret to being a stunner is not drinking alcohol, just plenty of water and a good sleeping routine.

Yes, sleep - with the new rota in place I can have a bit of a life as well as working all the damn time (yay) so I can get myself into good habits - bed before 11 (12 at the latest), up at 7 everyday. When I don't have work, I find myself staying in bed and wasting the morning on nothing - however, those morning hours are the most productive, so I can get into good habits and get some writing bashed out before lunch!

Writing, oddly, quite low on the list. For now, I'm putting the above in place to sort my life out so that writing and getting my dissertation rolling is a lot more effective come september. So for now, any writing I get done is a bonus. (You can't ask yourself to run a marathon before you've started training, you're setting yourself up to fail if you do.)

And of course, the usual 'I want to do exercise and lose weight' idea. However, its more about feeling healthy and happy than losing weight. I don't want to sit and say that I'm happy with my figure and I don't want to change, because I know how unhealthy I am at the moment and I do want to improve it. I just don't want to want a nice body no matter what the cost - I want to achieve good things and tick all the boxes. I want to increase my endorphin levels, my energy levels, I want to feel a bit of motivation and the kick of success when you achieve those things. Mostly, I need a vice, and for so many people, exercise is a vice. So I'm taking my unhealthy need to escape the world and block out all noises and making a healthy choice with it.

I'd like to remind my future self that I'm proud of not succumbing to anything drastic this year. It's been fucking hard work, and I've wanted to drink, I've wanted to start smoking, I've even been tempted by drugs. I've had many more temptations to crawl into bed with random people than I've actually done (a few slip ups have happened), but I've been pretty lucky and I think I need to congratulate myself for being strong.

I just have to continue, and put that strength in the right place.

Like the motion city song, which always reminds me of my darkest times and how I fixed myself (isn), "I'll do whatever it takes, even if it kills me"