Tuesday, 5 October 2010
My brain and head are different things
Sometimes I think things, like 'maybe I should just stay up all night instead of going to bed at 4 and risk sleeping through my 8am alarm' although my brain holds the knowledge that tells me that a) that fails 90% of the time, and b) sleep is good for you. Therefore I doubt their co-existence in my skull sometimes... but again, my brain tells me that of course all these thoughts comes from the same gray matter. duh. Yet I feel strangely drawn to one of my friends at the moment, and maybe because the others are a bit hard to be around at the moment, but it genuinely feels like a gravity pulling me towards them. I want to be with them all the freaking time, yet when I am with them, I wonder why I craved their company so much. Its like an addiction that doesn't have a kick. And all my thoughts at the moment scare me a little anyway; my writing is seriously jeopardized by my lack of focus, motivation, originality and above all, ideas. Since calling Dali off, I've found every idea falls into a little rut that's too deep to salvage, but shallow enough not to lose it completely, so about 4 ideas just sit there, looking hopeful but I know in my heart that they just don't do anything for me at the moment. That and all I seem to want to write about is sex. That's never good, as it means something in my brain/hormone make-up/pants is trying to filter through subconsciously. PANIC. Hopefully my next entry won't be 'I did something silly...'