Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Regrets, I've had a few...

Everyone fucks up from time to time. That's granted. Its like your toast landing butter-side up; it's inevitable, you can't stop it, control or it hope to know when it'll happen, it just does. So some say butter your toast less. Others say butter both sides. Metaphor or not, mistakes happen one way or another, but what's up to us is if we regret them or not. I remember an episode of Dawson's Creek, from way back when I was a whipper snapper, the one with Pacey and Joey on the boat, I think. They're in a storm, and really worried, and relying on Dawson to save them even though he hates them both because his ex-girlfriend and best friend are bumping uglies. Understandable. Needless to say, Joey asks Pacey if he has any regrets, to which he replies something along the lines of 'No, life's too short to regret things'. I've always hoped I'd have the same outlook, but it turns out I don't. I have made some pretty embarrassing mistakes that I wish I could erase. The three prominent ones that pop to mind are: the fateful night I half-lost my virginity; the guy I dated in first year and it took me 2 months to break up with him; and my general being during winter last year. I do regret these things, because I believe everything happens for a reason, and it's all helping mould us into the people we will be, and the things we will do, and I feel that those three things may have altered my life for the worse. But little things, like doing something stupid, or wearing that racy dress, or being friends with someone you know is bad for you; they don't count as regrets. At least not yet. So I'm not going to regret what I did yesterday, because as upsetting as some people find it, I honestly don't know how this could spiral into some uncontrollable problematic life-altering scenario. So get over it, get over yourself and get over him because I'm pretty sure he has, and we all have, because what's done is done.    Rant over.