The first of my dream blogs. I hope this will decrease the amount of times I say "I had a dream..." during the day. Anyway, last night's is a good one to start with...
It was similar to the hotel in which Barton Fink resides, but bigger, and Martin and I seemed to be living there. Needless to say, we had a weird neighbour. He liked to burst into the room and steal things, and we couldn't stop him. So he comes knocking, I tell him to fuck off but he forces his way in. Martin decides its time to go down to the bar, and leaves me with the creepy man. The man, who is approximately 20 stone, quite short but angry-looking, and SUPER gross gums, gets naked, and basically blackmails me to have sex with him. Its gross, I won't go into detail, and frankly I hope this memory falls out of my mind very soon. Plus, I have never seen a man that big with nothing on, so I'm sure my brain made a few things up. Anyway, after the disgustingness happens (during which I keep thinking 'I wish Martin hadn't left'), I realise there is a leak in the ceiling, dripping straight onto the bed. Gross man leaves, as he seems grossed out by the leak, and I start to re-arrange the room. (This is about the fourth dream I've had this week which involved cleaning. Its either a nervous habit, or its procrastination, or just a metaphysical form of worry). I'm moving the bed so it doesn't get dripped on, and I find a box of stuff I remember from my childhood - little toys, and a teddy, and some old bits of playmobile. I start to collect this stuff, as I want to give to it Louise, as a present for the baby. Then I find some clothes, specifically a t-shirt and some bikini bottoms that I was looking for a few days ago. Nice to know they are hidden in dream. Anyway, I go to find Martin in the bar, and he is watching what I think was an open-mic night, and Al and First Year Tom are singing on stage. Gross man comes over and demands more sex, so I set the bouncers on him. Like a SWAT team they all hone in, and the room goes silent, and Al is devastated that his singing has been interrupted by some perv. They take Gross Man away, and I get angry at Martin for leaving me with pervy man, as I'm pretty sure he was a virgin, despite his reference to his own box of 'kinky toys'.
Grim. Wasn't really a nightmare, as although it was disgusting, I was at no point actually frightened. My nightmares tend to be a lot more mentally chilling than physically. Again, grim. Hope the next dream is happier!