Monday, 17 January 2011

Teeny tiny whine

You know how people shamelessly plug their blogs / youtube sites / music etc all the time... I have never wanted to plug this. I don't know if I ever will, so I might never have more than three followers. But I'm alright with that. I don't want strangers knowing my inner thoughts! I don't want weird german people adding me. I'm quite happy with 3 followers. So when perusing a class member's 'website', on which he has videoblogs whinging about EVERYTHING, I think, shut up. Honestly, the boy is an arse, and he whines about 'haters', of whom he directly address one guy (nice, very smooth) and curses him for having an opinion. Then says "no one cares, cock sucker, and why does it matter if you have a PhD?" This statement made my blood boil.
1) He, the dumb fuck, sucks cock for fun, so it doesn't work as an insult.
2) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so when differences occur, one must accept to disagree.
3) This 'PhD' guy is not from the UK, so his videoblog is equally bizarre, but he appears to have just slated about 10 different famous things, one of which being Katy Perry. What on Earth did Katy Perry do to him, I dont know, but that's too far! So I guess what goes around comes around.
4) Lastly, the classmate thinks the PhD man is a twat, and doesn't understand why saying 'I have a PhD in maths' makes his argument any better - considering the fact that said 'classmate' has written his religious view as "I am an omnipotent god" and he constantly refers to his own Godliness, Awesomeness and general ruling of the Universe, yet hasn't even finished his degree yet. I'm just praying that even if I get 2:2, he gets a third, or better yet, FAILS.

In conclusion, I'm sick of people thinking they are self-righteous. By all means, tell me I'm wrong. Its healthy to debate something. It is not healthy to click 'delete' every time someone disagrees with you.

Rant over. Phew!