I can't write this one the same way I've written the others. This one hasn't ended.
I've lost best friends from break ups, and I've lost brand new friends from accidental slips of the tongue... I've messed up a lot, I've made more mistakes than I can count, I've hurt a lot of people and I can't apologise enough to the people who I've made cry, mainly because my apology didn't change anything. I can't turn back time, in any way, so I must accept what has happened and move on, despite how difficult it is sometimes, and how much my heart doesn't want to.
The best things come to those wait. I waited for the boy, who knew I had broken up with my boyfriend coincidentally just after we had kissed, for something to happen. After a month of his soberity, then three weeks of us taking things slowly, and two years of friendship, I felt a true happiness, a true love and calmness in my life which I can pinpoint exactly where it came from. Those problems, with those friends who made second year very difficult for me... they carried on. A lot of hurt was yet to be felt, but that hurt didn't feel any where near as bad with him by my side. Working, studying and learning was so easy because I knew that when I wasn't studying, I could be with him. I can almost thank him for my first (although I shouldn't, because I know it was my doing really). It is our one-year anniversary in three weeks. I don't want this to mean too much, but... I've never got here before. I am so happy, life is good, I am living with a guy who makes me smile just by lying in bed and snoring, and despite his weird love for wrestling and his grandpa-like vest, I am so glad of the mistakes I've made because they've lead me to him, and I wouldn't change this for anything.
Apart from maybe Zac Efron.