I had a dream about a man who constantly keeps my brain churning. I'm inspired by him, but I don't know how to use that inspiration productively. It just sits there, eating away at me, making me want to do something massively pro-active, but all I can do is ponder my endless thoughts and beliefs.
This dream re-awakened the inspiration I feel. Again, I don't know what to do with it. It's like a possessive force is working through my mind, making every little thought try to link into some idea I could use. I want to write, I want to write a film for him to be in, or about him, or just write some kind of homage. Problem is, a face isn't enough inspiration to actually form a story. Can I try to write a story based on a man's face? There have been poems and sonnets and short stories and wars dedicated to faces... apparently a face can sink a thousand ships, but for me, it can't bring my mind for form any real idea.
I get itchy feet when I feel like this. I want to suddenly do something massively life-changing, like move to L.A, quit my job and focus solely on writing, confess all my loves and follys, but all I end up doing is doodling, scribbling words and scratching them out, and writing a boring blog about the circling motions of my brain.
Damn you Zac Efron, you make my head hurt.