Sunday, 22 April 2012


I've reached 100 blog entries. This should be a milestone, but considering the sheer amount of dribble that has filled those blogs, it's really not. Either way, it happens to coincide with blogspot having a make-over, which is very annoying, but quite like all the make-overs that websites often have, I'm sure I'll get used to it and forget how it once was soon enough.

Today's entry is about the future. People constantly tell me how I should do more things to prepare for the future, but most of them don't sound right in my head, so I don't do them. Its not to do with my not wanting to, or not being bothered to, I just feel like there are certain paths that I shouldn't take, and I just follow my instincts. This does mean that my family think I'm a lazy shit who will never succeed, but hey, they've always seen me that way, getting a first didn't change that, so nothing will.

My new page in my life, my fresh start, or re-start, considering I've lived here once before, truly begins tomorrow. I've now unpacked everything, and Mondays are always good days to kick things off on. My office, nicely painted with new furniture, new blind, old TV, old PS1 that doesn't work in old TV, grubby carpet but serious lack of dust and spiders, is ready for some creative juices to flow. I've got a lot that I want to do all at once, and I've got the view through the window that I had as a kid, from 0 to 15 I looked at this one view to keep me sane, to distract me from other things, and its strange to look at it again, hoping for inspiration and, well, hope.

I've got some manageable tasks, some quite hard tasks, some four-month-plans and some year-long plans to get started on. I wish one day I could do a big tick on the longest plan of all, say 'I'm happy with my body' and just stop thinking about it. Alas, it will not be happening any time soon, but that plan is one of the most crucial to being home. I always gain weight when I come home. Now I live here, obesity looks very possible, so I need to shape up, literally.

And my last thing to bring up, for those of you still bothering to read, is doing something creative on the internet. I've got one idea, but don't want to put it into action yet. I may wait until Maria is here next weekend, run it by her, see if she thinks its worth doing, so it may start to take form in a week or so. Watch this space.

Meanwhile, my fellow followers (all six of you, not that half of you ever use your blogs anymore), I hope everyone is well, reasonably happy (not grumbling about life and women too much) and still trying to be that person we secretly wish we were every day.