Monday, 23 April 2012


Last night I deleted my facebook. I don't want it anymore. And so far, it feels great. It's only been ten hours, but I'm not going back. Hells to the no.

Also, I realise now that my '100th blog' is somewhat invalid as there are 2 blogs I haven't published, and one I deleted yesterday, so is not my hundredth published blog, but is the hundredth written blog. Just in case anyone was confused (I know you weren't).

I've just read through my friend's script and I'm in the mood for writing, but cannot figure out where to start, so am going to apply the same approach I applied four years ago and just start scribbling. Somehow that created Lily, and she stills exists in my imagination-realms, so I'm going with that for now.

So, I'm off to stretch my imagination. I hope the rest of you are doing so too!